We're working to understand, learn and experiment with projects aiming for urban self-sufficiency within food, energy and materials.


How do we grow food for cities in the future?


Can we create more sustainable alternatives?


Can we create new materials from waste?

workshop at fab city hub

An innovation community

All of our events are community-based. We are located in the urban design district of Barcelona’s Poblenou, designing sustainable solutions to urban food, water, energy and waste challenges. We hold workshops, lectures and experiences open to the local and global community, promoting and supporting regenerative, compassionate futures. Fab City Hub is part of Fab Lab Barcelona.

What can we do together?

Borrow the hub! Open to all ages and ideas, as long as it’s helping on the journey towards urban self-sufficiency. From a talk on blockchain in the food system or even a workshop on guerilla gardening with kids, send us an email to find out more.

We like making things and stories. From winemaking to dinner experiences, we’re interested in unique events. We’re open to ideas and collaboration too, whether you’re a group interested in the space, or an individual with a big idea that needs fabricating together.

Whether you’re a company for bioplastics or a recent graduate who’s interested in mycelium, Fab City Hub has the facilities, network and space to expand your horizons and learn. We’re a sociable bunch that likes to share and learn.

Join us and be part of a global movement to change the future!

A Fab City Global Initiative

The Fab City Hub is part of a bigger vision – the Fab City model. The Fab City model has challenged Barcelona, amongst other cities in the world, to become active participants in producing everything consumed by 2054. We’re using the productive potential of Poblenou, to become locally produced and globally connected.

Check out more at fab.city

Upcoming events

🍜 MENU 2054 - A dinner from the future

03/03/2020 A curated dinner to bring the effects of climate change on the food system to the table, by Fab City Hub and LEKA [SPAN].

🍷 WINEMAKERS - Communidad Winemakers Party

28/02/2020 Cata explicativa de vinos de Cariñanas a cargo de Lluis Romero, y encuentro social de la comunidad de aficionados a hacer vino en Barcelona [ENG/CAST/CAT].


07/03/2020 Jessica will guide you through how to make your own Sauerkraut and add special flavourings [ENG].

🌱 SOCIAL AGRICULTURE - Agriculture in Valldaura

Sunday’s → A beautiful hike up to Valldaura self-sufficient labs for gardening therapy and lunch. Email us and we’ll add you to the group! [ENG/SPAN].

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Meet our wonderful team

Jessica Guy

Hub Lead & Collaborative Designer

Emily Whyman

Hub Lead & Food Maker

John Findlay

Aeroponics Lead & Business Guy

Maud Bausier

Living Things Enthusiast

Jo-Anne With

Decolonial Artist


Where are we at?